Friday, May 23, 2014

Each One Here

slightly browned corn cake latke's covered with 
cilantro cream sit next to 
the wild rice, cranberry, edamame and sweet potatoe salad on a 
turquoise plate adjacent from 
the to-go cup of coffee covered by 
a sleeve that artistically depicts a cherry blossom tree--
all resting on a small, circular marble table rooted on
the hardwood floor. where my feet are.
flat though arched, tattooed underneath flip flops. resting, not heavy. 
toes wiggly and free. 

my husband next to me in a regal forrest brown leather chair
is wearing an exquisite burnt mustard polo shirt underneath
a black vest that matches
the rim of his glasses that cover
blue orbed, chestnut eyes, 
tired and penetrating.
his brown skin, the brown leather chair 
and the mustard shirt are quite the visual cocktail
but nothing compares--Cupidly speaking--to watching him 
punctuate the keyboard with his long, fingers,
his book taking the form of 
words, sentences, paragraphs and chapters
finally, after all this time,
an action of fulfillment that responds to 
his deepest yearning. 
the aliveness in the air
when he is stationed at t/his craft 
stirs me. flirts with me.  

each moment is animated 
by elements 
of color, consistency, texture,
relational tissue and sequence. 

what a gift in this moment
to witness
one. here. 

i am getting better 
at noticing 
the parts of this life
that are not wounded
and not entirely wound-reactive 
not hopelessly complex
but delightfully simple 
easily regarded as true
and beautiful without apology

including food, furniture, him, us and



Sandra Sawyer-Soares said...


spedlady1976 said...

Wow! :was my initial uninhibited response. The next descriptor that cane to mind is hopelessly romantic and intimate-hot!