Monday, August 25, 2008

Black Cat Blessing

I've always secretly known that animals have the capacity to be great spiritual teachers, but the newest addition to my animal companion list (Huey P. Newton the Black Panther from Oakland) drives this hunch home.

My mom's dog Zoey taught me the art of rolling around on the grass--aimlessly--worshiping the heat of the sun. Talk about a mystical experience! My first cocker spaniel, Mazie, taught me how to let go and let g*d. She was the first thing that ever died in my life. I realized as I watched her slip away that there was nothing I could do, nothing love could do, to stop the tumor from growing. Surrender? As I sit here watching Huey (my new cat) giving himself a bath, I cannot help but think this feline has a much better purification ritual than I do. Actually I don't even have a purification ritual. Do you?

Oh yeah: there's also that lesson filled moment when they can sense, perhaps better than humans (because they don't have the same sensory-distractions as humans) when you're in pain. They come, snuggle up next to you, maybe even nudge your hands a little bit, and retire right there on your lap. Presence, assurance of love, companionship no matter what. Pastoral care?

No wonder g*d was born in a barn full of animals.

1 comment:

stevecaks said...

A cat gave me my first direct experience with the dying process. I watched him take his last breath after three days of "active dying" and then proceeded to cry my eyes out. It really helped when my father died recently.
