Thursday, January 1, 2009

Resolution Substitute: Letting Go & Letting In

Hey everyone. Happy New Year! Hope you rang 2009 in with pizazz.

I had the honor of facilitating a group on the Psych Ward this New Years Eve. For the folks currently in that place of treatment, it's a time to "start over" regardless of the holiday season. Many of them talked earlier in the week about sucking at keeping New Years Resolutions, so instead of having the guys write goal-directed lists, I asked them to focus on the things they needed to let go of and the things they needed to let in as means to achieving meaning-full success in their lives. The results were fascinating--and surprisingly similar among the 12 men present.

Wonder if you'd be willing to share with me what you'd like to let go of and what you'd like to let in these days. I, for one, would like to let go of hustle and let in more meditation, let in disciplined budgeting and let go of incessant worrying about money. I'd also like to let go of certain memories from my final semester of seminary that continue to haunt me, while letting in some forgiveness around those events. You?

Maybe you don't care to comment. That's cool. But how about reading this article?
It's thought-provoking and insightful, not a bad way to begin 2009.


stevecaks said...

I think my most important step toward authenticity was letting go of the fear of uncertainty. Mystery is a given in this life. Fear of it is not. Some (including my younger self) subject themselves to terrible stress trying to "make all the pieces fit." Our perspective simply does not allow it. Only the foolish "know everything." If the years are to bring wisdom, peace must also be made with ignorance. If all were known, there would be no need for trust and faith.

Life is something I am in the middle of. I do not know exactly when it started or when it will end. So, I let go of fear. Well, not totally quite yet but I believe I have tamed it some. I let in, and even seek to embrace, mystery and uncertainty. Yet I do not take it for granted, either. Though tamed by familiarity, life also has a dangerous side, like a "tamed" wild animal or the open ocean as a storm brews. All of nature is in God's hands and so am I. Most of the things that "matter" to me--people, things, relationships, etc.--I will, in my own unique way, have to give up or have taken away from me before I die.

That's just the way it is.

Anonymous said...

Hey sweet friend. Gosh, I guess I will see you soon. Love the post. It has me thinking... I'd like to let go of fear and let in freedom. I'd like to let go of procrastination and let in reading, writing, creativity. I'd like to let go of expectations and let in exploration... just to name a few.
See you soon...