Monday, January 26, 2009

Externalized Access

Cannot contain any resemblance to codes of the past.
Cannot be your name or birthday.
Make sure it's a robust combination of upper case, lower case,
arabic numerals and special characters.
Must be between 8 and 40 characters.

Remember it, faithfully.
Or you're fucked.

So many amalgams to keep track of in this
self-made cyber cyclone:
personal email
work email
blog site
(occasional) myspace
charting system
personal pc log-on/pw
work pc log-on/pw
I could keep going, but you get the point, because you too,
are locked out of something.

This morning, I cannot remember the username or password
to my Learning Management System (LMS) here
at this federally funded, military motivated place
where war-wounded veterans and silenced, sick male bodies lay
waiting while their wives wait crying in the hallway.

I've forgotten what I'm supposed to remember.
Perhaps this is the greatest learning one can expect
from such a (micro) managed system.

1 comment:

insta-wade said...

good perspective, and a good reminder about what's important. yes, the protection of privacy and medical records and all that, but we have to remember that it's not for the purpose of protecting, or fighting terrorism, or whatever, but for the purpose of caring for those who are deeply in need of compassion, care, and sensitivity.
thanks for finding the learning in a frustration that plagues us all.