Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Prophecy & Prayer

Last night while jumping, singing, dancing and crying on the corner of Broadway & Grand, James said "Every time I've been in the streets like this, it's been because I was against something. I've never joined in mass gatherings like this for something."

I give thanks for the election of Barack Obama by the American People. I give thanks for the opportunity to celebrate that victory surrounded by my friends and loved ones. I give thanks for the Oakland Police who blocked off the streets so we could celebrate. I give thanks for John McCain's speech because he was (mostly) respectful. I give thanks for a future where fewer children might come home with limbs blown off and brains forever altered. I give thanks for my citizenship in the United States of America. I give thanks for all the service men and women (past and present) who have dedicated their lives to making sure our ballots count. I give thanks to my Beloved showing face and fiery passion in the Ark that's bending toward justice. May it continue to lean towards those whose love gets mocked and denied. May their weariness and tears be used in the final resolution(s) of unnecessary pains. May the Ark continue to lean towards those who need their hate transformed. May it continue to correct our images of grandeur and omnipotence. May we fully live into the carved space of this moment that affirms us and yet lures us further. Amen.

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