Friday, August 14, 2009

Treasured Earthen Vessels

I'm celebrating my graduation from CPE by putting this artwork by Meinrad Craighead into the world through my blog. This image somehow captures how I'm feeling about being "done." Glory!


Anonymous said...


stevecaks said...

I feel sympathy/empathy towards anyone who has to go through uncomfortable or painful experiences. The stress to your belief system and inner psyche during your time in CPE has been well-documented here.

I'm not sure I've been brave enough in my lifetime to put myself so completely "in the line of fire" as you have during your time at the Vets' Hospital. However, years of experience on this earth has taught me that, as time passes, all experiences can mellow, if allowed, into a more thorough appreciation for humanity as a whole--including those people and groups whose actions seem unreasonable or even heinous at present.

All of life teaches us--hard lessons, perhaps, the best.

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