Monday, September 19, 2011

A Psalm of Maternal Gratitude

Making your way.
So miracle. 
I am joined, because of you,
to countless generations of women
who have surrendered
their bodies to the great unknown:
new sensations everyday,
hopes and fears and prayers everyday,
unraveling mysteries everyday

We women, oh my God: 
what we do to continue.

You, joining me to that continuation
because you chose to be alive
and I don’t understand how that happens
but I cry envisioning the resolve in you,
you once a little swimming thing 
in a group of other swimming things.
You of all them that made it,
made it into me like hallelujah, yes, here I go.
You precious, strong growing everyday. 

And you are inside, but the external is different now.
So much softer now, less willing to sharpen or harden now,
or fasten tight to futile protectiveness. 
Yes, you are teaching me these things:
let it change you, reform you, stretch you, remake you even if
it means being ripped apart in the process—
the world, this you-world-inside-me,
teaching me what it means to give absolutely everything,
which is loss and blossom at the same time.

How can I thank you?
Still inside, and
changing the whole wide world...


Diane Dickeg said...

Profound,fundamentally earthy and sacred; intensely personal, yet meant to share. You are a Lady Madonna-in-Progress.

Abbs said...

Your love of this new beginning, this new life, has brought me to tears. Keep learning, keep loving, and keep writing...<3

Martha Lynn Tamburrano said...

Oh Em, such a way of expressing the profound experience of motherhood. Love you, Mom

Anonymous said...

You express the wonder and miraculousness of having another within...beautiful

Grace said...

breathtaking. Thinking of you every day and praying for the both of you:)