Thursday, May 5, 2011

Internalized Oppression

When you love what you are
and come into contact with others
who are what you are
but don’t love what you/they are (together)

it can be maddening.

…particularly if you’ve had to
rip that self love from the sharp teeth of
all-consuming, triple headed monsters that
seek the exploitation & annihilation of your self
for the perpetuation of violent fiction,
the myth of a bottomless belly,
the myth of never ending hunger that must be satiated
by someone who is willing to be treated like something.

…particularly if you’ve had to
tenderly and patiently patchwork quilt that
self love back into/onto your body
with creative threading skills
that don’t always appear coherent to the external eye,
with nurturing touch
 that feels foreign and clumsy at first,
and with compassionate placement
 that takes incredible discipline of the always-suspect intuition.

It can be down-right infuriating

to encounter those who do not love those things you share,
who do not love those things you are together,
and thereby do not reflect back nor deepen
your endurance, victory and worth-fighting-for-ness;
who instead recycle the myths—with their bodies—
solidify some fiction—with their incongruities—
that keep your kind hunted, chewed up, swallowed and spat back up
because after all, it turns out
that monster’s hunger is always bigger than its stomach.

…and yet…
no matter how maddening & infuriating
it might be—this lack of love—
if you love what you are
there is no sense in resenting those
who don’t love what you are in common
because, if it’s really common, even if—no,
especially if
its still in the teeth of hungry monsters,
it’s still what you are, still what you love and
only by lovingly beckoning it out of the mouth of devouring lies
and into the truth of its inherent & unconditional rightness
can you truly claim an authentic self-love, the one
you’ve been living & dying to enact all the days of your breathing,
the one you’re willing to sacrifice for and wait for
and not give up on just because you’re tired.

This is why forgiveness is
still the most generous act
in the recognition of one’s love not loving what’s loveable in common/together,
because if love is love, even deferred love-in-return—
even bad behavior that mocks and spits at the loving-self
because of internalized oppression—
cannot dissuade it. 

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