Sunday, February 24, 2008

12 Things I Love This Morning

1. The Wire (just finished season three).
2. Theologies of the Body.
3. Bob Herbert of the NY Times.
4. Sweet baby James.
5. Jackets on loan. I' currently borrowing the hottest light-brown Levi courdoroy with (fake) sheep skin on the inside. Yum.
6. CBG with me on big leather chairs at CAL's graduate reading room.
7. Graduation on the horizon (3 months!).
8. Finding Dr. Sang's favorite Psalm highlighted in my old bible.
9. Obamarama.
10. Kickboxing 3 days a week (I found a new class on Sunday mornings!).
11. Youn Tae. :)
12. Living in THE BAY. No, it doesn't get old; just gets better.

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